United States by Daniele Somenzi : UNITED STATES

storyvil : north america : united states : new york, miami, las vegas
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United States by Daniele Somenzi

New York, Miami, Las Vegas

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United States by Daniele Somenzi

Località: New York, Miami, Las Vegas
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In January there is a cold Executioner, and New York even more. The flight with Pan Am Boeing 747, was one of the last, from there the company recently, after the events of Lokerbee, falliva.Ho done just in time to experience the legendary company. The youth hostel in Manhattan, was not very hospitable, the people who went was not very recommendable. and so I fraternize with a couple of newly arrived Italians as me.L 'empire state building from the top is really beautiful and the view of New York is one. even the ice rink at the foot of the skyscraper is attraente.La Brazilian girl I met, gave me his address in Rio, with the promise to go and find (3 months later, I was at his house for a night) but This talk further. The majestic twin towers, covering the view of the statue of liberty. Rokfeller the center in January with his piasta skating on ice, is just one of ttrazzioni Manhattan.
A couple of days after I have taken over the plane, even a 747 direction of the pan am Miami, curious that gave food to all except those got into stand-by and a couple of pilots who were returning home, a sign of this a beautiful pull-straps.
Arrived in Miami for the first time in my life, accommodation for some time in the Youth in ocean drive in Miami beach, I know them by Fabrizio desenzano, too, there to do work experience and life.
Worked as a night porter in a hotel near them and often in the evening I went to make 4 small talk with him, I instead I did the waiter for a while in an Italian restaurant, Italian and there was not even the master, all Cubans. The only was I.
One evening I entered a room, and I saw on stage a woman is stripped naked, that's why I have called upon the age, do not pay the ticket but a beer costs three times, I have taken advantage bè for rifarmi the view and then I left.
At the disco club news instead I went several times but they are my typical environments. Here in USA there are no degrees to measure the temperature but the Farenhait that confusion when the big clock hanging in a building showed the temperature. However even though in January, was warmth.
The large channel at the beginning of Ocean Drive, has been done to bring out in the open sea from the port near them, the big cruise ships, and sometimes went to see the giant of the seas leaving for a cruise, and I thought, but as will be but as I like to do a cruise and also because no work. A system such as the steward of a plane to work and travel.
Pulls air bad for those who work without permission in Miami and it so happens that the day after I had stopped working at the restaurant, there is one haul of the Immigration in the local Miami beach punishing or putting in jail a week off rule , to achieve fined the owner of the local economy. I had already decided to leave, I was not well with my fellow Cubans, never a smile no dialogue. but well earned, mostly in tips.
In America there is a system for transporting cars from one place to another U.S. single most rare. If one goes to New York on vacation a month in Florida and would like NANNY your car does not make a guide for 4 days and even the post, too expensive, then delivered to an agency which is responsible to find someone provision of a reliable guide to its destination. and now that I later stage. I did not have a clearly defined goal, then I called to headquarters, the most beautiful car that had to be delivered and where it should be, and so with a photocopy of my passport and a deposit of $ 200, I have given a luxurious 5000 Nissan Maxima new engine capacity to take in a week s time until Denver in Colorado. and so the next morning in the company of a German boy, we are a viable alternative to driving and doing various phases such as, Orlando New orleans Wichita and finally Denver. We split the cost of petrol that is sold in gallons and not in liters, so we have seen by some Americans. The German then went skiing in Aspen on the rocky mountains, I will after I delivered the car to the owner in good condition, again I have my $ 200 deposit.
I sought a job in a restaurant, and quickly found. DOC Italians are sought in Italian restaurants. Sin, however, that the hostel to stay away from bus 2 to same restaurant and 2 at the back with a cold are also subject to zero at the bus stops and in over the pay was much lower than in Miami. Then I was a little time and so I decided that the cold was not for me.
Toshi, a lovely Japanese Okinawa, known in the hostel, has agreed to come with me with a driveaway back in florida, so we took a new car to be delivered, was a red Oldsmobile to bring in Tampa, Florida.
We start the evening me and Toshi, slightly lengthening the road under the snow (he saw for the first time in his life) To take a look at the legendary Las Vegas. At some point tired of driving around 2 am parked at the edge of a gas station and down the seats sleep.
The morning with the light we have the car completely covered with snow, that cool. He was overjoyed, Okinaua and there is no aitropici never snows.
Arrived a few hours later in Las Vegas, the visit a little bit, and then continue east. and in a week, between snow storms risks to get out of the ice road for several time, finally arrived in the warm Florida and riconsegnamo car. for as long as I was fine with Toshi, who spoke a 'nice English.
Then he is back in california and I'm back in Miami before leaving for the Caribbean and South America



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